Since 1907 people have been gathering at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Saskatoon to receive God’s gifts of forgiveness, peace, and life. Divine Service is central to our life at St. Paul’s. We also grow in God’s Word through Sunday School, Confirmation, and Bible Studies.
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church is a member congregation of Lutheran Church-Canada.
We believe, teach, and confess the doctrine of the catholic faith as it is taught by the Holy Scriptures and faithfully confessed in the Book of Concord of 1580. We are committed to proclaiming Jesus Christ crucified, risen, and reigning for the salvation of the world.
We are a traditionally liturgical congregation, using the worship forms of the western catholic tradition as they have come to us through the Lutheran Reformation. We believe that the purpose of worship is to receive the gifts of salvation which Jesus Christ has won for us by hearing His Word and eating and drinking the Sacrament of His Body and Blood.
We welcome you to join us at St. Paul's!